
Cumann na Daoine

A community based organisation in Youghal, Co. Cork, Ireland.

LGBT+ Youth & Families: BelongTo presentation

Our thanks to Jen and Kate from BelongTo LGBT+ Youth Services who gave a great online presentation for parents and family members of LGBT+ children last night in both Cumann na Daoine and Skibbereen CFRC.

The Youghal group Parents of LGBT+ Children found the presentation really informative and in the relaxed atmosphere, could ask all the questions they needed. Jen and Kate gave us so much information, and showed a few videos made by young LGBT+ people involved in BelongTo services. They also sent on resource materials to be shared with parents.

The group meets monthly at Cumann na Daoine so do contact us if you’d like to come along – it’s a safe and confidential space where you can talk about your feelings, find information, and share experience with other parents and carers.

Yesterday also saw the release of BelongTo’s latest research report ‘Being LGBTI+ in Ireland’ which provides details of the current situation for young LGBTI+ people today: the report “highlights a stark deterioration in mental health [for LGBTI+ people] since 2016. You can read the report here: FINAL-Being-LGBTQI-in-Ireland-Full-Report

And the shorter Key Findings report here: FINAL-Being-LGBTQI-in-Ireland-Key-Findings

BelongTo run an annual campaign against homophobic bullying, as well as providing a range of training programmes (see for details). This year’s  Stand Up Awareness Week will take place from November 4-8th, 2024. Stand Up Awareness Week is a time for post-primary schools, youth services and Youthreach centres in Ireland to join in and take a stand against homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. This week is an opportunity to take steps to make spaces safe and BlongTo will equip you with the resources, tools and knowledge needed to host Stand Up Awareness Week in your school, youth service or Youthreach at any time that works for you. Follow this link to get involved.

Watch the 2012 film 

made by young people involved in BelongTo services here: