A community based organisation in Youghal, Co. Cork, Ireland.

Ceramics with Spring Chickens

For our last session of the summer, artist Martha Cashman spent the day with Spring Chickens to start creating a Remembrance Garden in ceramics. In a beautiful way of remembering those we’ve lost, Martha helped members create drawings and plans in the morning, then everyone worked with clay to create their own pieces. These pieces will be fired and glazed by Martha over the summer and in September, the final piece will be created and mounted in Cumann na Daoine as a lasting memorial. Spring Chickens decided themselves how the work would look and what images to use, with Martha’s skill helping them make what they visualised into reality. 

At the end of the day Martha generously raffled a number of her small ceramic pieces, to the delight of all the winners!

We were able to enjoy this work with Martha thanks to an grant from Cork County Council Arts Office, and we’re delighted at the acknowledgement of the group that grant gives.

Spring Chickens is taking a break for the summer but will be back on Monday 16th September and the autumn programme will be made available in August. We will also be spreading the word over the summer as new members are always welcome!

To finish off the term, we will be going on our first Spring Chickens Day Out to Mount Mellery on Monday 1st July…our thanks to Fr. Richard there and to John Daly Coaches for helping us make this happen!

We’re looking forward to finishing our ceramics and seeing them in their final setting.