A community based organisation in Youghal, Co. Cork, Ireland.

Youghal Residents Network

Youghal Residents Network: Supporting local authority Residents Associations

The mission of Youghal Residents Network (YRN) is to ensure local residents have the opportunity to be heard, speak out and participate in local Government decisions which may affect the areas in which we live and our well being. The Network is inclusive of all local authority residents groups and everyone will be treated with respect and equality regardless of gender, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religious belief, age, dis-ability & race.

We aim

 To work together and support our own resident groups.

To develop a positive two-way relationship between residents and the Council’s.

  To be independent, non-political and act in the interest of community issues.

  To be a forum for ideas, learning and information sharing.

What is Youghal Residents Network?

We ensure residents voices are heard and respected. 

We lobby for extra services and facilities for Youghal e.g. Health, Youth, Children and estate enhancement. We work with agencies to get activities and programmes for residents in our estates. We organise training and events of interest to our residents. We attend national events representing the residents of Youghal.

What is the structure?

Your local Residents Association represents everyone in your estate, and addresses issues such as environmental enhancement, estate maintenance, local improvements and organising community projects.

Youghal Residents Network is made up of representatives from each local authority estate’s Residents Association, and speaks for all residents while working closely with Cork County Council and other agencies to maintain and improve the estates.

Youghal Residents Network administers Estate Management grants from Cork Co. Council; runs the After School Homework Club and is developing a Community Heritage Project focusing on 4 Youghal estates.

If you would like to get involved as a representative on the Network, or if your estate has no Residents Association and you’d like support in starting one up, do get in touch! Contact Hayley on 087 9890336 or at hayleycumannnadaoine@gmail.com.

Youghal Residents Network is supported by Cumann na Daoine’s Local Community Development Worker